At the Extra Ordinary General Meeting of the shareholders of “APAVE MYANMAR COMPANY LIMITED” duly convened on 10.2.2022.
Special Resolutions-
1. That the “APAVE MYANMAR COMPANY LIMITED” be voluntarily wound-up the member with effect from 10.2.2022.
2. That Daw Cho Cho Toe, “Certified Public Accountant”, be and is hereby appointed liquidator for the purpose of such winding – up and is authorized to carry on the business of the company to such extent and for such periods as may be necessary only for the beneficial winding-up there and is granted such other powers as may be deemed fit or proper and to final winding-up the Company.
3. That all persons claiming to be creditors of the above “APAVE MYANMAR COMPANY LIMITED” are requested to submit details of their for review together with any strong documentary evidence in their possession, to the liquidator at No. (S-3) & (S-4), Second Floor, Aung San Stadium Northern Wing, Joe Phyu Street, Mingalar Taung Nyunt Towship, Yangon Region, Before 10.3.2022.
U Kyaw Khaing
Apave Myanmar Company Limited
Daw Cho Cho Toe (PAPP-15)
B. Com.,C.P.A